Thursday, 15 October 2015

Rhino Wars

Absolutely fantastic little report on the current crisis affecting rhinos in Kruger, and indeed all over Africa. It is heartbreaking, and indeed at times hard to watch. But these are the things we must take note of and push the issue into peoples minds and really make people aware of the severity of the situation. To see them disappear really would be a crime against humanity. 

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Dog tracks poachers used in court case!

Fantastic article that highlights the effectiveness of dogs in tackling the heinous crime that is rhino poaching. Thanks to this formidable team, two rhino poachers (responsible for at least 3 white rhino murders) were caught red handed (literally) in Kruger Nayional park.  They are awaiting scetencing in South Africa.  

A South African court took the testimony of Killers (the dogs) handler as solid evidence of their guilt and used it as such to build a case against the two poachers who will hopefully feel the full force of the law. Just like in the battle against narcotics and terrorism, the use of dogs is crucial to the war on poaching and rangers ability to intersect and track poachers who may still be in the scene. 

Well done, Killer!